
Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Auto leave out group facebook

Hy,.. broO apa kabar :) (masihh ketemu dengan saya orang terkece se dunia maya :p) wkkwwkkkk abaikan,...

  • Sebenernya kalo dibilang baru ya ini emang trik baru :P
  • script ini di coding oleh master developer kita ya itu kang Irlan Sutarland
  • sebelom kita bahas cara pakainya kita bahas anunya dulu yeee , kalau ada auto invite
  • maka ini di buat Auto Leave Out Group facebook.
  • nah sekarang langsung ajah ke TKP BAHAN untuk yg di siapkan:
    • Pertama masuk sini
    • kemudian tekan ctrl+shift+K (Mozilla) | ctrl+shift+J (Google Chrome),copy semua scriptnya Kemudian tempelkan di Console Box dan Enter.
    • Nanti muncul tulisan NO group selected lalu kamu klik atau pilih (select all).
    • Nah otomatis di situ akan muncul tul isan Remove All Grups

    NB: Sebelom anda klik REMOVE, pastikan hilangkan tanda centang group mana?
    yg gak akan remove jadi baca dulu aturan pakainya :P


    kebanyakan ngomong malah jadi lupa :p.

    Lebih jelas lihat gambar

    terimakasih atas kunjunganya, kalau mau jadi ganteng gabung di
  • sini join now
  • sampai, jumpa lagi dengan orang terkece di Dunia maya ini
  • selamatt mencoba.


  • Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

    Bookmarklets Collection

    What are Bookmarklets?

    A bookmarklet is a useful bit of javascript code stored in a bookmark, used like a tool on a toolbar. You can click a bookmarklet to do important things like: highlight search terms, look information up, block ads or auto invite all your facebook friend to your group.
    Google Chrome.
    Press [Ctrl][Shift][B] to bring down your Google Chrome bookmark bar.
    Drag-and-drop the bookmarklet links below into your bookmark bar, or Other bookmarks folder.
    You are done! Now, when you visit a page, just click on the bookmarklet you want to use.
    Press [Ctrl][B] to show your Firefox bookmark panel.
    Drag-and-drop the bookmarklet links below into your bookmark bar.
    You are done! Now, when you visit a page, just click on the bookmarklet you want to use. Works just like toolbar but without slowing down the browser.
    • Facebook Emoji Clickboard
      Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to http://www.facebook.com/ and then click the bookmarklet to open the Emoji Clickboard interface. Click on a comment box at any post and press spacebar or type any word, click/choose on one of the emoji and you'll see a square character inserted into the comment box, press enter and after the comment submitted you'll see your comment has an emoji sign or Watch the video at http://youtu.be/pbiDReAurCU
    • Invite All Facebook Friends to a Group ( pure; no gid insertion )
      Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to your Facebook Group page, and then click the bookmarklet to invite all your friends into that group.
    • Index of Folder to URLs
      It will lot more easier to explain this with an example. So try this: Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to Click this link for an example, and then click the bookmarklet. Now you have the full links listed :D you may Select All those links and then upload to your new facebook album using Facebook Photo upFlood :P
    • Confirm Group Members Group Admins Only
      Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/Your_Group_UserName/requests/ and then click the bookmarklet to confirm all the memmber requests, or Watch the video at http://youtu.be/n164UKrgppA
    Thankz to: Irland Sutarland | Jack Febri

    Senin, 02 Desember 2013

    Reject, Confirm and Remove Friends by Language

    Facebook Friend Adder

    If you are a Facebook Friend Adding Maniac then you are well suited to use this tool. This tool will help you quench the thirst of an irresistible impulse to send a friend request on Facebook :D ( meuni lieur bahasana oge :P )

    When you first start out to use these tools, and have never had getting a reprimand from Facebook about excessive requests before. Then you shouldn't be surprised when you suddenly get a warning message like below..

    This is normal, 'cause as you already know that Facebook has so many rules and all rules are sucks :D So Get used to it.

    Click the button below to start whenever you are ready. Use it with your own risk!

    Facebook Friend Adder